Here we go again!
Hi. A lot has changed. For the last few months, we have been working on revamping most of The Heartlands webcomic. This includes the website, the lore, the characters, and many other things. There is much to discuss, so let's get into it.
The entire Heartlands website is remade from scratch. The entire styling has been redone, the mobile responsiveness is much improved, and the website is faster overall. If you're feeling nostalgic for the old styling, don't worry; pretty much all pages have been archived using the Wayback Machine, and the old comic style can still be found on the archive page.
As for the big news, you can now optionally log into the website using Discord to earn "tokens" (viewable on the profile page). These are achievements that are rewarded for exploring the website, reading the comic, and uncovering its secrets. At the moment of writing, there are 19 tokens, some rarer than others. For now, they are merely collectibles, but their true purpose will be revealed in time…
Most of the comic has undergone changes. This has many reasons. When we started back in 2021, our vision of the theme and overall story was much more vague. Over time we expanded on the lore, the characters, and the deeper secrets they contain. However, there were some inconsistencies since we had already laid a foundation with the comic.
The changes you see on the website fix those inconsistencies. The most obvious one is the rework of the characters. They are all redesigned to better fit the lore and dark fantasy theme we're going for. When Chapter 3 begins, they will adapt to their new designs together with a new art style.
Similarly, the overall behavior of the characters will also change. The comic's dialogue and typography have been updated to better fit the lord's personalities. Unfortunately, some minor behavioral inconsistencies are still too difficult to change. In the future, we want to redo most of these older panels to fix those inconsistencies. However, for now, we would like to focus on continuing the story regularly. There are a lot of things we are excited for.
Almost done! We want to end with something special. We have created a cinematic trailer for the comic to celebrate the launch of all these updates. This trailer is dark, mysterious and hints at some of the secrets of The Heartlands. It is meant as a thematic introduction and is viewable right here.
Beneath the trailer, you will find the updated version of the "Here We Go!" image used in the first news post 2 years ago. We hope you enjoy all we have created because, as always,
There is much more to come…